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Name : OraMMS
Description : Material Management System
Platform : VB, VB.NET
Back End : Open (Default, oracle 10g)
Application : Customisable

Introduction to OraMMS – Material Management System
OraMMS is another module of K2 which deals with the materials management. This module automates the complete life cycle of material management and provides full support in each step of the process. The module is linked with Financial Accounting module OraFA for every financial aspect like consumption booking, accounts payable etc. OraMMS is the outcome of a detailed study of the material management in the scenario of a Sugar Mill. Each sub-process is penetrated up to the most specific details that ensured even the most minute feature is included into the software. OraMMS is already running successfully in the major Sugar Mills in India. These clients have certified us for the paramount quality and supreme level of services provided by us. They agree upon the utmost performance and throughput of the software. The major functionalities provided by OraMMS are Indenting, Quotation, Purchase Order, Budgeting, Valuation, consumption booking and many other miscellaneous provisions like, gate pass, material written-off, material issue (to department as well as equipment), stock-monitoring, loan management/equipment management etc (detail given in scope). These and many more features are unique to this module. Besides these unique features, other utilities are also incorporated in OraMMS like, e-mailing, SMS-update, based on paper-less approach, card-punching for issue, proper log maintenance etc. The software keeps the complete record of the stock that is brought and maintained in the inventory, as well as the issue of the material. Validations are imposed on each and every step of the transactions that are made related to the materials of all type. Only the authorized user can make changes in the data rather than workers at lower level. Read-only data is displayed to the user wherever necessary. Thus the chances for any fraud or deceiving tricks are reduced to a great extent in the material transactions. Such measures provide a systematic and disciplined approach within the organization and generating a sense of loyalty and honesty among the workers. Other main advantage offered by OraMMS is that a large number of reports can be generated in the requisite format and within no time. The time taken in the generation of these reports which are extracting data from millions of records is negligible in comparison to other automation software. Query optimization techniques are implemented to ensure the minimum possible time. All these features made OraMMS to stand unique in the field of automation software for material management. After the successful execution of this software in the sugar industry, it has been continuously updated to incorporate all the features that may be required by the clients.
OraMMS Scope 
OraMMS consists of the following sub-modules:
» Indenting
  • Auto Indenting :- As per material levels for indenting defined in master.
  • Manual Indenting :– As required by Sub-stores and other departments.
  • Indent Features :– Printing, Forwarding, Approval, Cancellation, Closer and re-activation.
» Quotation
  • Inquiry Generation
    1. Auto Generation :– as per history available with the system
    2. Manual Generation :– as per user criteria for the inquiry
    3. Email :– e mail generation for the inquiry
    4. SMS :– SMS generation for the specified parties and material.
    5. Inquiry Printing
  • Quotation Receiving
    1. Manual rates receiving and entry to the system.
    2. Auto Rates Updates from SMS
  • Quotation Comparison Sheet
    1. Generation
    2. Approval
    3. Cancellation
    4. Closer
    5. Re-activating
    6. Printing
  • Rates Updates after negotiation
» Purchase Order
  • Purchase Order Preparation
    1. Assisted by system as per quotations
    2. Manual Order Preparation
  • Purchase Order Modification
  • Purchase order Routing
    1. Forwarding
    2. Approval
    3. Cancellation
    4. Closer
    5. Auto Generation of cancellation letter etc.
» Other Order
  • Job Order Preparation
  • System order
  • Work Order
» Loan / Equipment Management
  • Issuance of Equipment on Loan / Job
  • Receipt of Equipment from Loan / Job
  • Calculation of cost of job
» Material Inward
  • Gate Entry :- for the material coming to the factory
  • Weighment :- for incoming material and slip generation at gate [Optional]
  • GIRV(Goods Inward Receipt Voucher) :- Entry, Printing & Modification, GIRV Printing with values
  • Quality Checking :- Forwarding, Approval, Rejection, Intimation.
  • Receipt Quantity Adjustment
» Material Issue
  • Requisition Slip :- Online preparation and approval.
  • Preparation Automated :- associated with Card, Manual Generation, Cancellation, Modification
  • Issue Entry :- Punching through Card, Manual Entry, Modification, Cancellation, Batch Issue
  • Issue Billing :- to contractor for chargeable issues
» Inventory
  • Main Stores :- Maintenance of materials in main stores.
  • Sub-Stores :- Maintenance of materials in Sub-stores inventory.
  • Tracking of :- critical items, obsolete item, fast moving item, due on order.
» Misc. Provisions
  • Gate Pass
    1. Gate Pass Requisition Preparation
    2. Gate Pass for Rejected Material
    3. Gate Pass Preparation for returnable Items
    4. Gate Pass Preparation for Non-returnable Items
    5. Gate Pass for Non Masters Items
    6. Gate Pass for Loan Items
  • Material Written off
  • Material Repair – Issue, return
  • Stock Monitoring
  • Stock Listing for Physical Checking
  • Stock Updates for any variation in Quantity
» Budgeting & Planning
  • Budget Entry :- Location wise Budget entry for every level
  • Material Group and subgroup wise entry
  • Issue booking :- as per specified head of budgets.
  • Budget Analysis :- Related reports time to time and online monitoring and control while generating Indent, Order and Issue.
» Valuation
  • Weighted Average :- Monthly Average, On Annual Average, On Daily Average
    :– based on first in first out.
  • Auto Valuation :- for each issue from last Average / Purchase Order.
» Other Features
  • Based on Paper Less Approach
  • Proper Management of Store as well as sub Store
  • Arrangement of Linking of sub-store and main store in connected as well as disconnected environment
  • Forwarding :- all the forwarding will be available to the user at the login and will appear on the main menu. On Clicking of any of the forwarding the related form will be opened automatically.
  • Pending Time :- For every persons working on the system can be analyzed for their promptness towards the attending any forwarding.
  • Documentation :- all related record related to any transaction may be kept in the system through scanning the document. For future reference this can be viewed at any point of time. The material specifications drawings, pictures can be kept for ready reference of material view.
  • Card Punching :- Issue would be associated with the attendance card so that issue would be automatic and bearing person record can also be kept for issue.
  • E-mail :- auto mailing system will be available for the inquiries and other intimation for the suppliers.
  • SMS Update :- SMS will be a tool for inquiring the rates from parties and parties would be allowed to update the rates through SMS.
  • Proper Log Maintenance

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